RaaTec AB


Raatec AB sælger Humusmateriale med PREBIOTISK effekt til smågrise. Raatec er den eneste virksomhed der sælger VARMEBEHANDLET TØRV godkendt af SEGES.

Hvem er RaaTec AB?

Raatec AB sælger Humusmateriale med PREBIOTISK effekt til smågrise.

Raatec er den eneste virksomhed der sælger VARMEBEHANDLET TØRV godkendt af SEGES.

MCP IRON Bloktørv - svensk bloktørv, zeolit, jern
MCP WEANING Bloktørv - svensk bloktørv, zeolit

Raatec AB develops and sells feed and litter based on Swedish block peat and zeolite. We also conduct technical consultancy, water purification for greenhouses and film assignments through Råå Film.
Our products are aimed for pigs, cows, poultry and horses. Raatec sells both within Sweden directly to customers, but also through resellers, and also exports to Denmark, Portugal, Austria, among others. Raatec is the only company that sells heat-treated peat MCP Heat-Peat, which we received Silver Elmia Awards 2022.

MCP Iron Block Peat
MCP Weaning Block Peat
MCP Feed Supplement

Quality Bedding material for: Horse, Chicken, Pig, Cow.

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